The Grants Committee will evaluate each proposal using a point system. Applicants should address each award criteria.
Project Purpose and Goal – 30 points
A clear, concise statement of the project’s scope and the anticipated benefits in student achievement. More weight will be given to innovative and/or impactful projects. Applicants are expected to explain how the project as designed will achieve the expected results including how the purpose and goals relate to the PAFE Mission Statement. (Clarity – 10 pts., purpose – 10 pts., and innovation/impactful – 10 pts.)
Student Involvement – 15 points
As a general rule, more weight will be given to projects that serve the most students. However, more weight also will be given to projects that involve intensive contact between a teacher and a small team of students.(Number students – 5 pts., intensity – 5pts., and student-centered – 5pts.)
Collaborative Model – 15 points
More weight will be given to projects that encourage teamwork between and among teachers, students and the community.(Teamwork: among teachers – 5 pts., among students – 5 pts., among students and community – 5 pts.)
Evaluation Plan – 15 points
More weight will be given to applications that present a clear plan for assessing and evaluating the project’s success.(Meaningful & measureable – 5 pts., creative – 5 pts., clear – 5 pts.)
Likelihood of Timely Completion – 10 points
Projects are to be completed during that current grant cycle. More weight will be given to applications that set out a clear and reasonable time schedule. Applicants should address their success in meeting self-imposed and external deadlines.(Reasonable – 5 pts., past record – 5 pts.)
Cost-Benefit Ratio – 15 points
More weight will be given to projects that offer the most “bang for the buck.” As a general rule, capital improvements (bricks and mortar) will not be funded.(Longevity – 5 pts., less than $10/student – 10 pts., less than $20/student – 9 pts., less than $30/student – 8 pts., less than $50/student – 7 pts., less than $70/student – 6 pts., less than $100/student – 5 pts., less than $150/student – 4 pts., less than $200/student – 3 pts.)
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