Kiah Harris
Sandpoint High School Class of 2018
Second-year student, North Idaho College Culinary Program
Has a teacher or an event in your childhood made a certain impact that has influenced who you are and what you do today? In our ongoing series, we highlight a few student stories that showcase those pivotal moments for them.
You’ll notice each one of these moments was made possible by a PAFE grant and our generous donors. To make a year-end donation and help make more of these stories for our future generation, donate here.
Kiah Harris was having difficulty staying focused in school. She was skipping class, missing homework deadlines, and generally lacking in direction. A field trip to North Idaho College funded by a PAFE grant changed that.
“Field trips are vital to encouraging students to go on after high school either to school or to career. When our students have a plan for the future, they perform better and are happier in school.” – Jeralyn Mire, Sandpoint High School, post-secondary counselor.
Because the State Department of Education no longer funds field trips, a PAFE grant provided Jeralyn Mire the resources necessary to continue and expand these opportunities for all Sandpoint High School students. Almost half of SHS students qualify for free and reduced lunch programs. They would likely not be able to participate in these trips if the school had to charge them to attend.
“Students tell us all the time that what they experienced on one of those trips marked the beginning for them and gave them something to plan for in their post-high school career.”
Kiah said, “Once I arrived on campus for our school field trip and took the tour, I was in awe. I could not believe the beauty and the close-knit community. It was so amazing; I had to come back with my mom!” That is when she met the culinary advisor and toured the kitchen. “Seeing a kitchen of this size and knowing all the potential it could give me sparked something in me that has not gone out since.”
The Culinary Arts Program has changed everything for Kiah.
Now in her second year in the NIC Culinary Arts Program, she has participated in internships at the Coeur d’Alene Resort. When she graduates, she plans to continue to work on campus in the cafeteria. I want to work to improve the food quality for my friends and future students. I’m just not ready to leave NIC, and this gives me the best of both worlds.
Your year-end donation gives back four times: Through classroom enrichment, federal tax deduction, state tax deduction, and the Idaho Education Tax Credit. Donate here.