Vickie Pfeifer

Vickie Pfeifer has lived in the area with her husband, Tom, and their three sons since 1993. All of their children attended schools in the Lake Pend Oreille School District from kindergarten through high school. Vickie was elected to the Lake Pend Oreille School District Board of Trustees and served from 2002 until 2013. She served as chairman of the school board for nine years. She is also a founding board member of the Panhandle Alliance for Education. Her commitment to public education stems from a desire to find solutions to problems and resolve issues facing public education in our area. Vickie has a degree in chemical engineering from Washington State University. After staying home to raise her boys, Vickie is now working as a project management engineer at the U.S. Navy’s Acoustic Research Detachment in Bayview, Idaho.